
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Heart.....

I’m just a heart beating in your chest

I’m red and pump blood to my best

I beat faster when you fall in love

I try to tell you to seek answers from above

I’m not so wise you should know

I get broken and make you feel low

I hate cupid and his arrows;

If I could I’d pluck his eyebrows

When you see that lady in the street

I know I have to pump blood so I’m up on my feet

I rarely work in tandem with your mind

And I’m at ease when you unwind

I still remember the girls that dumped you

They broke me to pieces and I still blame you

I wish you could pamper and take care of me

I’m a slave in your chest can’t you see

I know love very well and she’s blind

I keep telling you but you listen to your mind

Sometimes I want to stop beating and just scream,

Take a vacation and go for ice-cream

But I’m just a heart beating in your chest

I’m red and pump blood to my best.

Written by Eriq Ochieng.

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